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The best way to capture who I am on this page without us going out for coffee is to explain that I have a weird combination of interests.


Three of those? Home. Mental health. Writing.


Do these even connect? In my world — yes.


Here's what I mean if you're interested in my story:


As a kid, I created and wrote articles for my own magazine. I was also buying home decor magazines for fun, possibly as early as elementary school — but definitely by middle school.


In college, I majored in journalism and minored in interior design. I graduated in 2020. Throughout jobs and internships, I have had the privilege of publishing many articles — often focusing on interior design in my writing.


My first full-time job was answering the crisis phone at an addiction rehab organization (major swerve, I know, but now you're seeing the mental health interest come into play).


That job wrecked my mental health (the irony) and I've been taking on freelance and contract writing/marketing jobs for the past few years, in addition to working at a fitness center. I've been spending a lot of time working on my mental health ever since, too.


I have always been a homebody and cared a lot about taking care of my home, but this passion came into full focus when I married my best friend in 2023 and finally had a place where I got to call the shots (don't worry, he's on board).


Since getting married, I've found that baskets are a great way to keep things organized in a way that works for both of us. My first viral video on Instagram was about baskets... and almost all of my viral videos since have been about them. Never would have guessed.​


So, with Organized Overthinking, I hope to combine writing about my home and my life and how the way I organize everything impacts my mental health. Oh, and baskets. Can't forget the baskets.


Though the path I've taken has gone all over the place, I'm a firm believer that our interests aren't on accident and every step has had purpose. I think we were created by God with certain interests that give us clues as to how we can best impact the world.


At the end of the day, though I want you to remember one thing: well-chosen home decor, thoroughly clean floors, and smooth-running schedules don't matter in and of themselves.


They do, matter though — because they serve as ways to make the things that really matter easier or more meaningful or... just better. Even in small ways.​​


So, welcome to this curve of the crazy, winding path that is my life. I hope I can make yours better in some small way.


So nice to meet you,



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